Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A new year

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was a time of competitions, it was a time of judgement. It was a time for forums, it was a time for updates. It was a time to read, it was a time to write. It was a time of following, it was a time of being followed.

And ~ it was a time for panic attacks.

Another year of my life has gone by and it has been, without a doubt, one of the craziest yet: Work promotions, new members of the family, school, work, more school, taxes, renos, holidays and last but not least, panic attacks and anxiety still were in my life.

I can’t say that my life is boring as it is NOT! What I can say though is that this wet paper bag gets bigger and bigger and it’s turning into a multi-room home – not exactly what I want since I no longer wish to be a guest in it. Nor do I want to own it.


It’s going to be another year of what my doctor calls the “Professional Woman’s disease”.

I’d rather call it affliction. It sounds hip and doesn’t make it sound like I’m dying.

I guess my goal for this new year of life is to make anxiety somewhat tolerable.

Here goes nothing! Now, where is that darn door in this stupid bag?

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