Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Anger perpetuates anxiety

Yesterday, I had an incident at work where someone tried to make me look bad – behind my back. Little did they know that the email they sent to someone got forwarded to me. I was so angry I was shaking. I emailed my director immediately the string of emails and said I was not happy. My director agreed with me and contacted the originator of the email and gave them what for.
After calming down, I didn’t feel very well. On my bus ride home, I started to shake again, but this was in reaction to the panic that I was feeling at the time. I guess I have to control my anger in order to stop the panic. Or maybe my body recognized the shaking from the anger and it brought on a panic attack. Either way I really felt like I was in the wet paper bag and honestly, at that point, I was so angry, I played out a fight scene in my mind.
It was me and the bag, one on one. Duelling it out. I managed to subdue it yesterday, but it got away from me and I am waiting for it to rise again. But this time, I think I’m ready.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Helicopter crashes, murder and me

Today I found out that my grade ten teacher was murdered by one of her students. Tragic.  I started to panic when I heard about it. I thought I would be next. I have no idea why. This news came on the heels of a friend of mine from university who died in a helicopter crash as the pilot leaving behind two beautiful daughters.
I then went to catch the bus home from work and started to be really scared about that guy I last wrote about that sat beside me on the bus drunk and threatening another guy who accidentally bumped into him. I got scared he might be on the bus again, that he might pull a knife and stab someone; stab me.
I wanted to cry. I wanted to run away and go back and hide in my office. I thought to myself that these things come in threes and that someone I knew would die or that it might be me.
I forced myself on the bus. Forced myself to sit and just let the music I was listening to calm me down. I watched the door intently every time someone got on. I made sure I was ready to get up and get off if that guy came on the bus again.
I was letting all kinds of scenarios swirl through my head. What would I do if the guy got on the bus; what would I do if he tried to attack someone or me; what I would do if the bus crashed. Crazy! I wanted nothing more than to just get home safely and into a cocoon. Then, when I was nearly home, I thought that I can’t let these thoughts overtake me. I stopped and pulled myself together mentally.
Today, I’m not going to let this paper bag win. I’m tired, yes. Hell, I’m crazy enough to go to war with the bag. Go all commando on it (military style not panty-less). I read something tonight that made me turn my thoughts around: “You don’t have to be brilliant at everything. You just have to have the courage to put yourself in the line of fire.”
Ok. So I have to be courageous enough to just let the feelings wash over me. Be courageous enough to take it. I have to be courageous enough to fight this paper bag and break out of it. I just have to do it.

Friday, August 5, 2011

My everyday surroundings

So I was riding the bus home yesterday after work and this drunk man sat down beside me. Another man bumped into him by accident and said sorry, but I don’t think the drunk man heard him apologize since his music was really loud because I could hear it even with my earphones in. After chowing down on some popcorn and beers (yes, beers on the bus), he proceeded to threaten the man out loud and making shooting motions with his hands at the man. It was out loud and nobody said anything to him.
He was dirty, threatening and no one (including me) didn’t do anything about it. I prayed he would get off the bus before I did. Nope. He wouldn’t even stand up when I asked him to move when it came time for me to get off. He just moved his knees slightly and gave me a stupid smile, then watched as I uncomfortably tried to push past him. What a jerk!
I got home and was really angry. So angry in fact that I started to shake as I told my husband what had happened. The shaking triggered me into a full panic attack. Not a nice end to my day.
I really felt like I had my attacks under control and all it took was some loser to trigger them back into effect. Maybe this paper bag is a little tougher than I thought. New strategy needed on how to break through the paper.