Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Is it really me?

Some days I wonder if all that I do to keep the anxiety at bay is ever going to be fruitful. I am a firm believer that we can control our own anxiety, but we must follow through on what we do and do it every day. Whatever we may do, exercise, reading, belly breathing, inspiring reading, meditation, etc. I think though that we must look around ourselves too and see if there are any external things that may be contributing to the anxiety in our lives.
I know that I am tired. I can feel my body just wanting to give up and lay down. Not to die, but to just rest. It has been ever ready at the start line waiting for the starter’s gun to go off. I have been in this starting position waiting and now I cannot and am tired. I am ready to give up the race and walk away to save my sanity.  
Sometimes it may hurt others around us, but in the end what is better? To please others or yourself? Maybe the bag around me is wet because I let it be and that is why it feels so hard to fight it.