Tuesday, June 14, 2016

More Love. Less Hate.

As per my last post, I cannot understand why people need to hate one another.

What is wrong with humanity?

My heart aches to hear that so many people died senselessly. Why does this ever need to happen?

Simple answer: it doesn’t.

I feel fortunate to live in a country that allows me the freedom to express my opinion, but I know that it does not preclude me from being responsible for my words.

People are people. We are all human beings. We all bleed the same colour. It doesn’t matter what our skin colour is, who we love, or what we do.

We must unite together to stop this hate.

No one’s humanity should be diminished or held to account just because they think differently.

Attacks like the one in Orlando embody hate. WE MUST STOP THIS.

We have made great strides in acceptance. Let’s do more.


I have been reading the media reports on the Stanford Rapist. I say rapist, because that is what he is. He is many other things of course, but let’s call a spade a spade here.

I am sad, angry and disgusted at the sentence he’s received. It is unjust and unseemly. I felt like I wanted to throw up when I read it.

I was going to say nothing about this as I think it’s gotten too much media attention already; and the hate and vitriol that has been blasted all over the Internet and social media is enough to make one want to give up on humanity. I almost did, but I will not.

I cannot keep quiet about this. People’s voices must be heard who have experienced this trauma.

It is because of white, Anglo-Saxon privilege that men like this are getting away with abuse of many kinds. IT MUST STOP.

The more this is hidden, the more prevalent it has become – and will continue to be. This is more common than people think. It lurks in the back corners of family history, politics, entertainment, religion. THIS MUST STOP.

I have had enough of patriarchal oppression. I believe that is what has put me in this wet paper bag. I fight every day to get out of it – even though I don’t live it anymore. Now, I want to fight for everyone else who has to fight their way out of their own wet paper bag. I am here. I am with you. I am listening.

This shit is real people. Do not say or tell me that it is not.

Chances are we all know someone who has been violated in one form or another. One in three women will experience some form of abuse in their lives. One third. That number is too high for me. It should be too high for society as a whole to accept.

NO ONE asks to be assaulted or abused in any way shape or form. NO ONE EVER “asks for it.” EVER.

Being drunk is not an excuse. Being high is not an excuse. Being attracted to someone is not an excuse. Promiscuity is not an excuse. Being at a party is not an excuse. Being an athlete does not give anyone permission to violate another person’s body. Being rich does not allow anyone to take whatever they want. Neither does being poor.

We must all be taught to respect ourselves, our bodies and respect others. This must be taught early and continued to be taught throughout our lives.


I cannot stress enough that we must be more, do more and say more to stop this. IT MUST STOP. TODAY.

The last three years

I just read my last post. It was almost three years ago. Much has happened since then to me and my family.

We lost my mother-in-law in December of 2013 the day after Christmas. My husband and I have not moved to England as we had planned and intended. Recently, I also found out I may not be able to have Children - I am 40 and I am not ovulating.

We have been working through this and believe it or not, I have been pretty solid through it all. I've had to be.

I just wanted to say I'm back and I am ready to share again. I need to. I know there are many out there that need this and so here I am sharing with you. Hopefully it will do some good for someone other than myself.